IT-Prozess Implementierung

IT-Prozess Implementierung

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Projekt/Programm Management

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Framework Implementierung

Framework Implementierung

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Coaching & Training

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Term Definition

Scrum is a framework within which teams can continuously improve their approach. Of all Agile frameworks, Scrum is by far the most popular, which is why the terms Scrum and Agile are often mistakenly seen as synonymous. Scrum is Agile because it focuses on added value, has an iterative design and is based on empiricism. Characteristic of Scrum is that it divides major issues into small projects of a fixed length. Such a project is called a Sprint in Scrum. Scrum is a term that comes from rugby sport. In a scrum, both rugby teams put their heads together. In the Scrum framework you also put your heads together on a daily basis. That is called the Daily Scrum.

Scrum is often used for software or products of which the customer or user does not yet know what he wants and where people learn by doing to better describe the requirements and wishes and convert them into usable software or products. Often people only know what they want when they see the prototype and then the requirements are adjusted. Scrum has the flexibility to deal with late-changing requirements and wishes. Scrum falls under the agile software development.